Paymeny Policy

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We are here to manage your finance with experience

The argument in favor of using filler text goes something like this: If you use real content in the design process, anytime you reach a review point youโ€™ll end up reviewing and negotiating the content itself and not the design.
Aenean tincidunt id mauris id auctor. Donec at ligula lacus. Nulla dignissim mi quis neque interdum, quis porta sem finibus.

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Payment Policy

Application Fee Initial Charges

Student needs to pay the Application Fee 800 RMB โ€“ 1500 RMB (Depends on selected university) with initial scanned documents, it is Non-refundable once paid.

Every university have registration fee of 400 RMB โ€“ 800 RMB. It is one time payment & student needs to pay the registration fee with the application fee to initiate the application procedure in university.

So, the Student needs to pay the application + Registration Fee altogether initially. If Ibex overseas education services  fails to provide the initial acceptance letter or pre-admission letter issued by the university, Full payment will be refunded. But it the student changes his/her mind because of any reason, the payment will not be refunded.

Management & Admission Charges

After payment of Application + Registration Fee, we will start the Process of Jw202 and as we get Jw202 by MOE China, student will apply for Study visa X1/X2 in Chinese Embassy with Proper Documentation. As we will get Stamped visa on Passport, Student will clear Management & Admission Charges as Mentioned in every Fee Packages Either in Pakistan or in China Depends upon the Latest rules and regulations.

Tuition Fee

For scholarship  there is no tusion fee. Other programmes like MBBS and BDS have different fee structure. Student can pay the tuition fee by themselves on arrival or according to the policy of university. Tuition fee once paid is non-refundable policy but if student wants to apply for the refund of tuition fee, he/she needs to follow the policy of university strictly. We have no concern with the tuition fee.

Dormitory or Hostel Fee

Hostel fee is also subjected to university only. Every Chinese university have their own dormitories inside the campus, they never allowed to stay outside. Hostel fee ranges 25,00 RMB to 4,000 RMB. Students can pay the Hostel fee by themselves according to the rules & regulations of university. 

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Bank Account Details โ€“ ibexoverseaseducationservices

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Ibex Overseas Education Services



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Faysal Bank

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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